Public Presentation of the Completed

Fort Leonard Wood Joint Land Use Study

The Meramec Regional Planning Commission (MRPC) will be hosting a public presentation on October 3rd to provide information on the completed Fort Leonard Wood Joint Land Use Study (JLUS).  The meeting will be held at the following location, date and time:

St. Robert Municipal Center, Municipal Courtroom

194 Eastlawn Ave; Ste A.

St. Robert, MO 65584

Thursday, October 3, 2013

7:00 p.m.

The study focused on the relationship between Fort Leonard Wood and the surrounding communities.  In March and June, community input meetings were held in Laclede, Phelps, Pulaski and Texas counties during the preparation of the study.  The study highlights practical steps may be taken to foster compatible growth around the installation and to enhance regional cooperation and coordination on land use matters and other issues of mutual importance.   For additional information, please visit or contact the Meramec Regional Planning Commission at (573) 265-2993.


Public Comment

If you were not able to attend a meeting to provide feedback or would like to provide comments, please click on the link below to provide your input into the process.

Fort Leonard Wood Joint Land Use Study Online Comment Click Here 


Presentation of the Draft Fort Leonard Wood Joint Land Use Study

The Meramec Regional Planning Commission (MRPC) will be hosting a public meeting on July 22nd to present the draft findings and recommendations of the Fort Leonard Wood Joint Land Use Study. The meeting will be held at the following location, date and time:

Waynesville High School Auditorium

200 GW Lane Waynesville, MO 65583

Monday, July 22, 2013

7:00 p.m.


The purpose of the Joint Land Use Study is to assist Fort Leonard Wood and the surrounding communities in identifying practical steps that can be taken to foster compatible growth around the installation and to enhance regional cooperation and coordination on matters of growth and other issues of mutual importance. This meeting will provide residents with background information regarding the JLUS, including the study process, key findings and draft recommendations. For additional information, please visit or contact the Meramec Regional Planning Commission at (573) 265-2993.    


Thank you to those who attended!  Click Here to view the presentation.


Summary of Draft Findings and Recommendations


Draft Fort Leonard Wood Joint Land Use Study